Thursday 28 May 2009

Renaming your SQL Server

If you are pondering changing the name of your development machine, you must remember to change the name of your SQL Server as well. I didn't know that and spent a good half an hour trying to run a simple query in the format

Select <ColumnNames> from [ServerName].[DatabaseName].dbo.[TableName]

The server came back with the following error

Could not find server 'GGTFS2-0BUILD2' in sysservers. Execute sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sysservers.

Struck by the need to create a linked server for itself, I executed the following to find out what servers are present

Select * from sys.sysservers

Only to find that the table still contains the previous name of my machine. The resolution is pretty straight forward. Execute the following

sp_dropserver '<OLD SERVER NAME>'


sp_addserver '<NEW SERVER NAME>', 'local'


Restart your SQL Server and bang it starts working again :)

1 comment:

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